Comming soon...

A professional, developer friendly, native Javascript optimized port of:
Erin Catto's Box2D with Google's LiquidFun Particle module.
Light weight, optimized and customisable for the web. Nice Stuff!

Whilst developed for addPhysicsJS which helps add "Code FREE JavaScript
Box2D to the Adobe FlashCC/AnimateCC IDE"...
addBox2D builds a stand alone module customizable (with or without:
Particle, Controller, Gravity, Rope...) Javscript Box2D library for the browser.

Fully documented and developer freindly NOT an unreadable ASM.js result
of c++ transpilation. Browse through the addBox2D documentation
and source code examples

The Box2D Javascript port is complete, porting Google's Particle module
is in progress. If you can't wait, and want the Particle module right now go
straight to